Legislation screening
The efficient screening of legislation requires detailed, constant and comprehensive analysis of the processes within the governmental administration, the EU Institutions (the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament), specific international organizations and the European case law.
Through the monitoring of working groups, parliamentary committees and informal like-minded groups as well as relevant press releases – we are able to deliver up-to-date analysis of the overall decision-making process in relation to specific portfolio. We cover the initial project, the official legislative process up to the publication in the Official Journal.
We map the decision-making process, its structures, timeframes and communication channels.
We monitor the EU jurisprudence, at all phases and provide the interpretation for the client.
Our comprehensive and multi-level monitoring allows for the identification of opportunities and potential threats, and thus equips clients with an effective early-warning mechanism. This allows for the preparation of necessary organizational and structural changes in advance, gives a better position on the market and protects the key interests of customers.
How can we help?
e-mail us: office@secgen.eu call: +48793522163